Sunday, April 25, 2010

About immigration

I was fortunate enough to have a degree and to be able to apply for residency because of the need for bilingual teachers. But I do not consider my work any more valuable than the guy that cuts the grass or clean the tables. So, if I was needed and I had an opportunity to be legal, they are also needed and they should have an opportunity. And they don't.

I do not think all the doors should be wide open, but I think the laws should correpond to need. 11 million people are not here living for free on welfare and 11 million people are not criminals (a few are but most are not). They are hard working people doing things that are needed and should be appreciated here. So I think specific regulations should be passed to recognize their presence and contribution to economy and history.

Regulations should be strict with employers because (I saw a movie about butchers) they even invited actively in newspapers in Mexico for people to come. But if workers are needed for the economy, workers should be recognized.

I am ok with regulations. Waiting time, proper requirements. Let's say no criminal background of any kind. Let's say those that have been here more than 10 years. Let's say those who have paid taxes and worked all the time. You know, those details. But do something.

Leaving them in the shadows is taking advantage of them, and then spiting them out when they are not useful anymore. That is not correct.

And what are you going to do with 11 million people? Force them out? A new racial Exodus? I just hope people recognize illegal immigrants are already part of this country, their neighbors, people like them, and something unfair is going on.


Yo tuve la fortuna de tener un titulo universitario y poder obtener la residencia debido a la necesidad de profesores bilingues. Pero no considero my trabajo mas valioso que el trabajo del hombre que corta el prado o la persona que limpia las mesas. Entonces, si a mi me necesitaban y me dieron la oportunidad de legalizar mi situacion por esa necesidad, ellos tambien son necesarios y deberian entonces tambien tener a oportunidad, y no la tienen.

No estoy diciendo que deberian abrir las puertas y dejar entrar a cualquiera, pero si creo que las leyes deben corresponder a la necesidad. 11 millones de personas no estan viviendo aqui de gratis de los recursos del estado, 11 millones de inmigrantes no son criminales (unos pocos son, pero no la mayoria). La mayoria son gente trabajadora haciendo cosas que son necesarias para el pais y que deben ser apreciadas como tales. Entonces yo creo que se deben pasar reglamentaciones que reconozcan su presencia y su contribucion a la economia y a la historia del pais.

Esta bien que haya reglamentacion. Tiempo de espera. Digamos que sean personas que no tengan record criminal. Digamos que sean personas que hayan vivido aqui mas de 10 anios. Digamos que sean personas que siempre hayan trabajado y pagado sus impuestos. Tu sabes, esos detalles. Pero que se haga algo.

Dejarlos en las sombras es aprovecharse de ellos y luego desecharlos cuando ya no son utiles. Y eso no es correcto.

Y que se va a hacer con 11 millones de personas? Obligarlos a que se vayan? Ocasionar un nuevo exodo racial? Yo solo espero que la gente reconozca que los inmigrantes ilegales son ya parte de este pais, son sus vecinos, gente como ellos, y que esta situacion es algo injusto.

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